• Title (as provided on registration)
  • Description (An abstract that gives details about the sample collection. A well filled in description will provide many of the search terms that ensure the record appears appropriately in catalogue searches.)
  • Specimen Types (A list of keywords and terms that describe the types of specimens in the archive.)
  • Website url (if there is one)
  • Archive contacts
  • Archive locations
  • Availability (Information about how readily available the samples are, who is allowed to have access and how to gain access.)
  • Access restrictions (An overview of any restrictions that will apply, usually things like Intellectual Property Rights and Terms and Conditions.)
  • Storage  (An overview of how the samples are stored to help a potential sample user understand what will be required if they request a sample.)
  • Health and safety (Any information users need to know regarding Health and Safety when they are considering taking on samples.)
  • Temporal extent: Begin and End dates
  • Spatial extents (A bounding box showing the area that the archive covers. It will encompass the remit of the archive, which may be larger than that represented by the samples actually in the archive. It is represented by north, south, east and west in decimal degrees (WGS84). If you don't know the bounding box values, click on the map to place a rectangle at the approximate location and adjust by dragging it or changing its shape using the handles on the rectangle.
  • Lineage  (An overview of how samples are collected and any Quality Control or Quality Assurance.)
  • Language (The principle language of the archive.)
  • Keywords (A list of words that help to identify and describe the archive. It will be used to improve search results and filtering. A keyword may be associated with an entry in a vocabulary via a uri, or just be a simple custom keyword. The list is unique on keyword-uri combinations).
  • Additional Resources (A list of links to additional resources that may be of use to the user. These are in the form of name: url pairs.)
  • Metadata contacts (One or more points of contact for the owners/authors of this metadata record if different to the Archive Contacts.)