Frequently asked questions

Welcome to the Frequently asked questions page. If this does not answer your query please email

Why do I need to register? 

When you create a catalogue entry we need to retain a record of we your name and email address so that we can contact you in case of errors or incomplete data. Any personal information you provide will be used only for the purposes of providing data, for keeping you informed of changes/issues relating to the data or associated services and for administration of the web server.

What is my username/password? 

Your username is the email address you used when you registered an account. When you registered, you will also have chosen a password. If you are unable to remember your password, please use the 'forgot password' link on the login page to reset it. If you cannot remember your username, please email us at

UKCEH Staff: use your network username and password to login. You will not be able to use the 'forgot password' or 'change password' functions.

What will you do with my personal information? 

We ask only for your name and email address when you register an account. This is so we can keep you informed of any subsequent changes, or contact you with announcements about UKCEH services - for example, if an application is undergoing maintenance which means it will be unavailable for a while. We never supply your details to any third party.

Why doesn't automatic login work (applies to UKCEH staff only)? 

If you are a member of UKCEH staff and you are working in a UKCEH office, there is normally no need to enter a username and password to log in - it should happen automatically.   However, automatic login does not work if you're using the Firefox web browser. If you are using Firefox you can still log in but you'll have to manually enter your username and password.

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