IAEA resources

IAEA Publications
The IAEA is a leading publisher in the nuclear field. Its more than 9,000 scientific and technical publications include international safety standards, technical guides, conference proceedings and scientific reports. They cover the breadth of the IAEA’s work, focusing on nuclear power, radiation therapy, nuclear safety and security, and nuclear law, among others.

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) 
Hosts one of the world's largest collections of published information on nuclear science and technology. It offers online access to a unique collection of non-conventional literature. INIS is operated by the IAEA in collaboration with over 150 members.  

Provides access to over 130 IAEA scientific, technical and regulatory resources. This includes databases, websites, applications, publications, safety standards, training material and more.

Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) 
Contains information on power reactors in operation, under construction or those being decommissioned.

International Nuclear Library Network (INLN) 
A global forum for nuclear libraries, information centres and other relevant organisations that share similar information management and research missions. 

IAEA Library 
Offers access to many databases, journals and other resources.

ICRP publications 

ICRP publications 
Annals of the ICRP is the authoritative source of recommendations and guidance of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). It is published by SAGE UK on behalf of ICRP. Thanks to the many supporters of the Free the Annals Initiative in 2018 as part of ICRP’s 90th Anniversary celebrations, all issues of Annals of the ICRP, and the ICRP and IXRPC reports issued before this, are free to access other than the current and two most recent volumes. 

US Department of Energy (DOE) 

DOE Information Bridge 
The US Department of Energy (DOE) Scientific and Technical Information service provides free public access to full-text documents and bibliographic citations of DOE. Documents are primarily from 1991 forward and were produced by DOE, the DOE contractor community, and/or DOE grantees. Legacy documents are added as they become available in electronic format.

World Nuclear Association 

Information Library
The Association’s mission is to promote a wider understanding of nuclear energy among key international influencers by producing authoritative information, developing common industry positions, and contributing to the energy debate. 

Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) 

A search function is provided to access all NEA publications and reports