Get involved

We welcome opportunities for new partnerships with the academic community and farming industry to address critical knowledge gaps.

For general enquiries please contact

Farmers, growers and agronomists

ASSIST is working with farmers to analyse large volumes of crop yield and input data to determine how factors such as soil, climate, landscape, diversity of beneficial species and management affect yield performance and resilience over time.

If you are interested in contributing to this research and have any within-field precision crop yield and other farm management data you are willing to share we would love to hear from you at

To keep up-to-date with research results from our experimental farm platform testing innovative farming systems on commercial arable and grassland farms, contact our Lead Scientists testing Sustainable Solutions.

Researchers and students

To discuss complementary research programmes, future Grants or student projects contact the ASSIST Programme Co-ordinator who will direct you to the relevant Lead Scientist.

To keep in touch with ASSIST programme outputs check our LATEST NEWS page and updates to available data under INFORMATICS AND TOOLS.

Follow us on Twitter @UK_CEH and #ASSISTagri


Prof. Richard Pywell. ASSIST Programme Director, UKCEH

Prof. Richard PywellASSIST Programme Director, UKCEH 


Richard is the Science Area Lead for Sustainable Land Management research across UKCEH, based at Wallingford. He is a leading expert on the delivery of knowledge-based solutions to conserve and restore biodiversity, natural resources and ecosystem functions that are responsible for human well-being and livelihoods in semi-natural and intensively managed habitats.


Prof. Jonathan Storkey. ASSIST Programme Director, Rothamsted Research

Prof. Jonathan StorkeyASSIST Programme Director, Rothamsted Research


Jonathan is a Senior Research Scientist at Rothamsted Research, based in Harpenden. He is a plant ecologist working in agricultural systems, to expand the knowledge base of the functioning of arable plant communities to inform management strategies that reconcile crop production with the provision of ecosystem services and the conservation of biodiversity. 


Dr Claire Carvell. ASSIST Programme Co-ordinator, UKCEH

Dr. Claire Carvell ASSIST Programme Co-ordinator, UKCEH


Claire is a Senior Ecologist based at UKCEH Wallingford, with a role in co-ordinating activities across the ASSIST research programme. Her own research has focussed on the ecology, monitoring and conservation of bumblebees and other pollinating insects, developing evidence-based management and policy solutions using a combination of field observations, experiments and modelling approaches.