Professional summary

Catherine Barnett is an environmental contaminant scientist with a specialisation in radioecology; she has led or made significant contributions to many studies of the transfer of radionuclides within farm and semi-natural animal production systems and contributed to the development of approaches to assess the exposure of wildlife to radioactivity.

She has reviewed and collated data for several international databases such as the UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) handbooks on the transfer of radionuclides to human foodstuffs (TRS 472) and wildlife (TRS 479) and the underlying transfer database for the ERICA Tool. She has provided data that will contribute to the development of the International Commission on Radiological Protection’s environmental protection framework and provided data to be used for estimating the transfer of radionuclides to human foodstuffs for application in future model development. Catherine has organised, co-conducted and assisted during radiological environmental protection training courses and organised and led fieldwork activities in the UK and abroad. More recently she has conducted numerous literature searches, following guidance for Quick Scoping Reviews, for several projects studying the impact of e.g. nanomaterials, PFAS, PFOS and heavy metals; she has also reviewed and summarised documents describing pharmaceutical legislation.

Catherine is currently the UKCEH project manager and task lead for the EU project PLAN-B which is studying the impacts of light and noise pollution on terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services. She has an excellent publication record which includes journal articles, datasets, data papers and reports; many are open-access.