Professional summary

Angus is an ecologist with over 25 years’ experience in intertidal ecology and processes. He has worked on projects in the UK and across Europe, giving a unique insight into their diversity and cultural setting. He specialises in biodiversity and ecosystem science, focusing on field experimentation, long-term and national scale monitoring and quantifying the relationships between ecosystem functions and the goods and benefits they provide. Results have been used to inform on the design, creation and management of intertidal restoration projects throughout NW Europe.

Angus is co-Chair of UKCEH / Bangor University’s Environment Centre Wales ‘ECW+ Connecting Land, Sea and People' initiative designed to bring together researchers from both organisations together to build multi-disciplinary projects needed to face the complex environmental and social challenges. He is Chair of the UK Saltmarsh Forum and UK Blue Carbon Forum; Habitats, Conservation and Restoration working group and saltmarsh lead for the Environment Agency's Restoring Meadow, Marsh and Reef (ReMeMaRe) Special Interest Group. He is on the management board of the Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources (SuMMeR) Centre for Doctoral Training. He represents UKCEH on the UK National Climate Science Partnership (UKNCSP) which draws together climate research capability from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) institutes and the Met Office. Angus sit on various other boards and advisory groups all with a focus on coastal management and restoration.