The SEEGSLIP project sought to evidence the practices of Pasture for Life Association producers and farmer members using holistic system based approaches.

Key messages

SEEGSLIP sought to evidence the practices of Pasture for Life Association (PFLA) producers and farmer members using holistic, system-based approaches. Our findings show that whilst such systems in Great Britain are highly variable according to practitioner, location and practice they are economically viable and deliver wide ranging public goods.

Our findings also highlight the importance of considering individual practitioners, groups of practitioners and different practices when evaluating beef production systems and their environmental impacts.

Consumer studies indicated that consumers are aware of the power of food choices for influencing change, with some preferentially choosing PFLA products for ecosystem, animal and their own health. For other consumers, many competing priorities and constraints, including awareness about production methods, affected consumption choices.


SEEGSLIP on Twitter: @seegslip

Pasture-fed production - findings from the SEEGSLIP project

Recently published

  • Rowe E, Norton L, McVittie A, et al. Using fuzzy cognitive mapping to assess the sustainability impacts of transitioning to pasture-fed production in the UK beef sector. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 2025;40:e1. DOI: 10.1017/S1742170524000206

See the 'Project results' page for a full list of SEEGSLIP publications.

Section contents

The SEEGSLIP project finished in August 2021. Links to completed outputs (academic papers in particular) will be made live as soon as they are available. Links can be accessed via the project menu or here.

  • Project results provides an overview of project outcomes across the various project work packages and includes links to academic papers that are in production/review.
  • Resources provides a list of project outputs which may be used by others to share project outcomes, to include: a short film, a folding leaflet (which will be printed and distributed at events) a Policy and Practice note on pasture fed approaches, photographs and copies of project presentations.
  • Ongoing work describes work that is still to be finalised and activities that are building on project outcomes.
  • Project aims and background describes the original project aims and rationale as set out in the proposal.
  • Project team provides an overview of the staff involved in the project and of the organisations/stakeholders we have worked with on the project.


farms involved in our study


in-depth interviews with farmers


vegetation plots recorded


workshops with consumers

Principal Investigator

I am interested in carrying out research into options for land management which can help in the sustainable delivery of ecosystem services.

Project partners

  • Lead partner: UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
  • Other project partners: SRUC, Lancaster University, Organic Research Centre
  • Funded by UKRI under the BBSRC Global Food Security Programme


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