Professional summary

Rebecca is interested in challenges associated with sustainable land use and especially how we will meet future demands for food, fibre and fuel while protecting the natural environment. Her research has focused on the impacts of land use change to bioenergy cropping on biodiversity, soil carbon and ecosystem processes, and the translations and interactions between research in this area and policy.

Rebecca is working within the Supergen Bioenergy Hub as a Topic Representative. The Supergen Bioenergy Hub brings together researchers in the field of bioenergy to develop sustainable biomass systems that support the UK's transition to an affordable, resilient, low-carbon energy future. She is also involved in: the MAGLUE project: Measurement and Analysis of bioenergy greenhouse gases: Integrating greenhouse gases into life-cycle assessments and the UK Bioenergy Value Chain Modelling Environment; SUNRISE: Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Human Health with other UK universities and institutes; and, Support Economic Development, in which she is collaborating with Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia on sustainable agroforestry systems.

Selected publications