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Environmental science at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology tackles global challenges. We provide research-based evidence, advice and solutions across the world, supporting sustainable development and improving society’s environmental legacy.

Our capabilities are driven by the need to address many of the world’s most pressing environmental and societal challenges including those identified by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We address these issues through both our UK-based and international research such as through our work with United Nations agencies and programmes, including IPCC, IPBES, UNEP, UNECE, UNESCO and the WMO. 

UKCEH global work is characterised by collaboration and engagement with UK and international universities, scientific institutions, governments, businesses, civil society, and industries. In July 2024, we opened our West Africa Regional Office.

Our research contributes substantially to achieving the following UN SDGs:

The 11 UN Sustainable Development Goals specifically mentioned in the UKCEH strategy

Examples of our work around the world

Contact us

For general enquiries, please use our Contacts page. To discuss our international portfolio, contact:

Associate Director of International Research and Development: Prof Harry Dixon
International Relations Coordinator: María Jarquín