Available translations: English

The RFFS suite of software produces forecasts of river level and flow in real-time from telemetered data. The information can then better predict river flow, allowing for earlier warnings of floods. The software has been used by government agencies in England, Scotland and Wales, as well as all over the world, including Belgium, India, South Java, Thailand, Hong Kong and other parts of China.

About RFFS

The RFFS models are designed to be used within a real-time forecast construction environment that supports:

  • application to any river network without recoding
  • easy adaptation of an existing model configuration to accommodate new forecast or measurement sites
  • a socket-style modular interface, allowing the easy introduction of new models.

Operational systems can use the observed and forecast rainfalls from HYRAD to extend the lead time of forecasts.

Forecasting with the RFFS

The suite of RFFS models includes:

  • G2G (Grid to Grid) distributed hydrological model
  • PDM rainfall-runoff model
  • PSM rainfall-runoff model
  • PACK snowmelt model
  • KW channel flow routing model
  • Forecast updating models

It also provides model calibration tools for off-line use. 

Contact for further information

For further information, please contact Bob Moore via the ForecastModelSupport

Bob Moore
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
OX10 8BB
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44(0)1491 692262