Professional summary

Nick Everard's mission is to measure the water in all the world's rivers. Perhaps not all at once, but in time....!

He worked for over 30 years at the Environment Agency, where he gained experience in all things hydrometric, and led on river discharge measurement techniques. Following his move to UKCEH in 2020, Nick has been developing novel applications for drone and satellite remote sensing data, including the use of aerial drones and very high resolution video from space for river flow monitoring. 

Nick is currently working on several projects, including: a Flood and Drought Research Infrastructure catchment observatory project in which he leads on river and precipitation monitoring and the Tweed catchment; Innovative use of drones with thermal and multi-spectral sensors for monitoring intermittent streams; Remote control and autonomous systems for water quality monitoring; In-situ data provision for Copernicus satellite services; design and development of a surface water monitoring network for a Mediterranean country; and, investigating the potential of aerial drones for river and floodplain flow monitoring.