Professional summary

Julia is a Principal Research Scientist interested in the trace gas fluxes from various ecosystems, including peatlands and agricultural systems. She is especially interested in bioenergy crops and their associated land-use change and has worked on projects in the Arctic, Sub-Antarctic and Tropics as well as temperate ecosystems.

Her main research focuses on measuring and interpreting biosphere-atmosphere-exchange fluxes of trace gases such as greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, CH4), NO and ozone depleting gases (methyl halides and volatile organic compounds - VOCs), as well as hydrogen (H2) and the cycling of carbon and nitrogen in ecosystems. Julia's work also involves using gas chromatography (GC-ECD/FID/MS/PDHID), and technologies such as quantum cascade laser, cavity ring-down laser and ion chromatography. She is the Laboratory Manager for the Gas Chromatography Laboratory, the key facility for trace gas analysis at UKCEH Edinburgh which involves managing and mentoring junior staff.

Current research focuses on nitrogen use efficiency of rice cropping systems in South Asia and greenhouse gas fluxes from oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia and West Africa focusing on sustainability issues and restoration options.

Julia is currently joint Group Leader of the Biosphere Atmosphere Exchange and Effects (BAEE) Group.

Selected publications