Professional summary

Aidan is a soil ecologist working in the Plant-Soil Interactions group at Lancaster. He obtained a PhD in Plant Science from the University of Aberdeen in 2008, focusing on the impacts of woodland regeneration on upland soil biodiversity and functions. He then moved to Ireland to undertake a post-doctoral position with Prof. Olaf Schmidt at University College Dublin, managing a national soil biodiversity survey and land management experiments. Since 2009, when he joined UKCEH, he has contributed to a diverse range of regional, national and European research projects. 

Aidan specialises in soil biodiversity including nematodes, microarthropods and earthworms, and its biophysical properties and functions, with a focus on how land management modulates these. His research encompasses both managed and semi-natural temperate habitats aiming to shape more sustainable and resilient multi-functional landscapes. He is interested in the development and use of sensor methods to measure above and belowground systems at scale using spectroscopy, image analysis, eco-acoustics, and in data synthesis and integration to make the most of our collective efforts. He believes arts-based approaches can help for better knowledge exchange and science communication with people. 

Aidan is currently working on the following projects: AI4SoilHealth, task lead for task 4.5 in WP4: In-situ soil health monitoring tools; Biomass Connect — Biomass Innovation and Information Platform, WP2 lead; UKCEH Soil Bank, is an Associate Editor for European Journal of Soil Science and a member of para-lab collective.

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