Available translations: English

Scientific challenge

The weather and climate of the UK is shaped by the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere and ocean in the North Atlantic. Major changes to the Arctic – North Atlantic climate system are occurring, such as rising ocean and atmospheric temperatures, rapid loss of Arctic sea ice and shifts in atmospheric circulation. We need to advance our understanding of how these changes will impact the UK in terms of extreme weather.

Project summary

Climate change in the Arctic-North Atlantic Region and Impacts on the UK (CANARI) is a major research programme which will further our understanding of the impacts on the UK arising from climate variability and change in the Arctic-North Atlantic region. It will focus on extreme weather and the potential for rapid, disruptive change.

CANARI will enable the UK to play an internationally leading role in addressing the challenges of understanding regional climate change and will provide detailed information about the consequences for UK people, places, and economy.

The £12 million collaborative project is led by the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) and funded by the NERC National Capability Multi-Centre Science programme – designed to bring science centres together for more ambitious, integrated, and large-scale research into critical environmental challenges.