Professional summary

Cristina is an Information Systems and Data Scientist, at UKCEH. Within this role she is a data centre operative in the Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC) where she also develops and manages websites (including Drupal based websites) as well as online tools and applications. She also has expertise in processing of data and datasets. 

Christina's research interests include environmental data (mainly atmospheric data) processing and transformation and how it changes over time and space. She has an interest in developing web tools that help users — including the general public and policy makers — to visualise data for decision making.

She has a biology and ecology background. During the course of her career, she gained experience in spatial data and learnt to perform complex data transformations following the best data management practices.

Web tools and apps

My current role at UKCEH includes:

Technical and IT Skills


ArcGIS: digitizing, mapping, simple spatial analysis, Story maps
R spatial packages used: sf, terra, rgdal, sp, fasterize and others
QGIS: digitizing, mapping, simple spatial analysis, beginner use of GRASS plugins

Data processing

R packages used: dplyr, ROracle, pool, DT, ggplot2, plotly and others

Basic concepts of Python: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib.

Processing in parallel (Windows and Linux environments) with SLURM and LSF. 

Website development and management

Drupal 7 and 9
Drush: Using Drupal’s Drush interface to upgrade and maintain websites and servers
R Shiny package: Using R Shiny to develop website applications and tools.

Code languages
